ZonMw grant awarded to Cartesius covenant "Building a Healthy Neighbourhood"

At the PROVADA trade fair, the Cartesius Consortium (MRP and Ballast Nedam Development), the Municipality of Utrecht and the Municipal Health Service (GGD) celebrated with partners present the first milestone arising from the Building a Healthy Neighbourhood Covenant. In July last year, the Cartesius Consortium, the Municipality of Utrecht, NS Stations, UMC Utrecht, Hogeschool Utrecht, Utrecht University, Housing Corporation Portaal, Achmea Real Estate and CBRE Investment Management signed the Covenant. Recently, the first grant from ZonMw, a funding organisation of innovation and research in healthcare, was awarded to the joint application of the GGD Regio Utrecht and the Covenant partners. This grant provides an opportunity to further develop the research programme together with Cartesius residents and start monitoring the adoption of healthy lifestyles in Cartesius.

From left to right Inès Youssef (GGD Regio Utrecht), Jacob Versteeg Colledo (Ballast Nedam Development), Inge Janssen (Gemeente Utrecht, Martin Chaigneau (Gemeente Utrecht), Marja van Reijn (MRP)

Stones don't make a neighbourhood yet

From 2020 to 2023, the first Wij(k) Bouwen project took place in the Leeuwesteyn neighbourhood (Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht). The project focuses on the social side of new neighbourhoods by connecting the initiative of residents and various professional parties. Partners in this project were DOCK, SportUtrecht, Jongerenwerk Utrecht (JOU), residents' platform InDeKernGezond and the Municipality of Utrecht. The lessons learned from this project were compiled in the booklet "Stones don't make a neighbourhood". This made a great start, which can be built on in Cartesius. Cartesius is the 2nd project and offers a next step in developing guidelines for social new housing estates.

Through this public-private partnership, the effectiveness of health interventions in the physical, social and care domains is being investigated together with residents, with Cartesius serving as a pilot neighbourhood. In this project, we integrate research into the neighbourhood approach. This allows residents and researchers to experience together what does or does not work. In 'Building a Healthy Neighbourhood', governments, knowledge institutes and the business community work together with residents to build a strong social structure and knowledge about how to build it.

'Building a Healthy Neighbourhood' takes place primarily in the Cartesius district where equal opportunities for health are central, inspired by the principles of the 'Blue Zones'. Policies and area plans are from the start entirely under the theme of Healthy Urban Living for All. The aim is for people in Cartesius to live longer healthy and happy lives. To this end, we apply scientific interventions aimed at promoting, protecting and facilitating a healthy and happy life and measuring their effects. Think about a stimulating green living environment, a balanced food environment or accessible care. Together with residents, social parties such as the neighbourhood office and the neighbourhood association, the wishes and needs and the preconditions for effective health interventions are examined.


Read here the full Dutch press release


MRP signs partnership with ENTER in WFC


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